
Lesson 8 | Will you?

In this lesson, you’ll learn a little more about asking questions. You’ll hear simple questions spoken with common changes. We’ll start with easy ones first.

You’ll learn how to change these questions.

Will you?

Won’t you?

When will you?

Let’s get started.

You can easily hear this change.

Will you come home soon? Willya come home soon?

"Will you" becomes, "Will ya."

Willya have dinner with me?

Willya need money?

This is easy, because you’ve used "ya" instead of "you" before. Practice this a little.


Will you rent a car?

Willya rent a car?


Willya rent a car?

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Exercise 1

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For practice, say these sentences slowly.

Willya come early?
Willya come late?
Willya come soon?
Willya come on time?
Willya come later?

Repeat (reading)

Now ask the questions quickly.

Willya come early?
Willya come late?
Willya come soon?
Willya come on time?
Willya come later?

Repeat (listening)

For practice say these questions quickly.
Will you have dinner with us?
Will you stay a while?
Will you stay for lunch?
Will you give me your phone number?
Will you go there with me?

Exercise 2

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Now the polite way of inviting someone to do something uses “Won’t you?"

For example, if I want a friend to have dinner with me, I say,

“Won’t you have dinner with me?”

But because it’s my friend, I’d say it faster. I’d say,

Wontya have dinner with me? Wontya.

Wontya have dinner with me?

Listen to these questions for the change.

Wontya have dinner with me?

Wontya stay a while?

Wontya stay fer lunch?

Wontya call me?

Wontya come with me?

Now, listen to this final change when I ask these questions very quickly.

Wontcha have dinner with us?

Wontcha stay a while?

Wontcha stay fer lunch?

Wontcha call me?

Wontcha come with me?

Did you hear it? “Wontya” changed to “wontcha” “wontcha.”

In this case because the word wont ends in a T, the word “you” changes to “cha” “Wontcha?”

You’ll hear this change again in other lessons to come.

Exercise 3

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Now ask these questions quickly using “wantya.”

Wontya be late?

Wontya be tired?

Wontya be cold?

Wontya be nervous?

Wontya be hot?

Now ask these questions again using “wonthca.”

Wontcha be late?

Wontcha be tired?

Wontcha be cold?

Wontcha be nervous?

Wontcha be hot?

Exercise 4

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Now, change these questions using “ya.”

Won’t you eat dinner with us?

Won’t you come for a visit?

Won’t you stay longer?

Won’t you sing for us?

Won’t you need more money?

Now ask these questions using “wontcha.”

Won’t you eat dinner with us?

Won’t you come for a visit?

Won’t you stay longer?

Won’t you sing for us?

Won’t you need more money?

Exercise 5

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Okay, so you understand the change. Listen to these questions and see if you can understand and repeat them slowly.

Willya come to the party?

Wontcha need a reservation?

Wontya need more money?

Willya have a cookie?

Wontcha need a hat?

Repeat (reading)

Now read the same questions and say them quickly with the changes you’ve learned.

Will you come to the party?

Won’t you need a reservation?

Won’t you need more money?

Will you have a cookie?

Won’t you need a hat?

Exercise 6

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Now let’s learn a last simple change that you may already know. When you ask a question such as, “When will you come home?”

the words “will” changes to a “ul” sound. Here listen:

When will you come home? Whenlya come home?

Did you hear it?

Whenlya whenlya

When will you come home? Whenlya?


Whenlya come home?

Whenlya be here?

Howlya get to work?

Whatlya buy when ya get there?


Whenlya come home?

Whenlya be here?

Howlya get to work?

Whatlya buy when ya get there?

Listen and Change

Now change these questions saying them quickly.

How will you get there?

When will you get there?

What will you buy there?

Who will you see there?

Why will you go there?


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Just so you know, some people may pronounce “wontcha” differently. They may say “wontchew.”

Wontchew stay with us? Wontchew?

“Wontcha” and “wontchew” are used the same. It makes no difference.

Wontchew be tired?

Wontcha be tired?

Wontchew be late?

Wontcha be late?

So know that you can say “wontchew” or “wontcha” and it makes no difference. The person you’re talking to probably won’t even notice.

Final Conversation

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Okay, listen to this conversation for the changes that you’ve learned.

Hi, Will ya be home late tanight?

I don’t know, I gotta do a lot a work here.

Wontcha try to be here on time? I’m cookun a nice dinner.

Whenlya have it ready?

About 7.

Okay, I’ll finish up and get home soon.

Will ya? Great thanks.

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